- Roof / Deck Drain Installation
- Tile Deck / Concrete Drain Installation
- Linear Shower Drain Installation
- TPO Hardware Installation
Roof / Deck Drain Installation
- Mechanically attach 2 plies of roofing ply sheet embedded in hot asphalt to substrate, ensure the plies extend 18" past underlying portion of drain flange.
- On under portion of drain flange, embed 1/3" layer, evenly spread roofing mastic compound.
- Securely fasten drain flange to substrate using appropriate fasteners.
- For best results, prime drain flange with asphalt primer. Allow ample drying time.
- Begin B.U.R. system embedding alternate layers of roofing ply sheet in a feathering application down into and over flange. Note: Ensure asphalt is at a temperature range between 430°F and 475°F.
- Secure grate in place, if applicable.
- Complete roof system with specified surfacing as required.
- Place reversed sheet of modified over drain hole opening on substrate. Ensure that ply sheet extends 18" past underlying portion of drain flange. Note: Recommend asphalt primer on under portion of drain flange be applied beforehand.
- Place drain on hot modified ply and secure drain flange to roof substrate using appropriate fasteners.
- For best results, prime top portion of drain flange with asphalt primer. Allow ample drying time.
- Back burn modified ply sheet, start roof system down into and over flange.
- Secure grate in place, if applicable.
- Complete modified single-ply system with specified surfacing as required.
- Securely fasten drain flange to substrate, using appropriate fasteners.
- Lay single ply membrane over the drain flange.
- Cut hole /holes in single ply at the location of drain opening.
- Securely heat-weld single ply membrane to drain flange.
NOTE: Please directly contact Material Decking Manufacture for specific installation procedures when using this deck overflow in conjunction with special surface coating used for waterproofing walking decks or balcony decks.
Tile Deck / Concrete Drain Installation
- Apply base ply to subfloor.
- Mechanically attach drain flange to baseply with nails or screws.
- Apply waterproofing membrane over drain flange and baseply.
- Set optional "positive weep protector" or similar over drain opening.
- Install drain grate to desired height.
- Pour morter bed to desired height.
- Apply thin set and tile or desired finish topping.

Linear Shower Drain Installation
1. Apply base sheet to substrate.

2. Nail drain basin to substrate.

3. Apply waterproofing to drain basin. prime drain flashing if required.

4. Mechanically attach clamping ring with supplied hardware.

5. Set adjuster to desired height.

6. Place linear grate body into adjuster.

7. Apply morter to desired height. use caution to avoid morter entering weep holes.

8. Install tile to finish height.

TPO Hardware Installation
Thunderbird has made improvements on our TPO and PVC drains that allow the installer to run material into the bowl without hardware interference. Once roofing material is welded to the drain body, follow procedure below:
TPO/PVC dome and clip installation
- Center the dome with attached hardware clips over the drain bowl.
- Orient the hardware clips so that they are aligned on the flange of the drain.
- Heat weld the clips to the drain flange